I’ve never been to the Decatur Book Festival but have heard it’s great. So, time to go!
Primates: Did they really say that? Did that really happen?
“It’s quite cold up on the mountains at dawn, now. An icy wind sweeps over the peaks, & one longs for the clouds to be swept away from the sun. Then, at 12 when the sun is hottest, the wind stops altogether & one nearly dies of heat! I am rapidly becoming like a piece of tough brown leather. Even when I slip down a few yards of shale, I find the skin on hands, elbows, legs, etc. is not broken! It’s rather a hoot! Today is my day for doing paper work — the 1st for 2 weeks when I have not been out. It feels very strange to be staying in camp all day but there is such a lot to do.”
Page 15, panel 1: I am rapidly becoming like a piece of tough brown leather.
Page 15, panel 2: Even when I slip down a few yards of shale, I find the skin on my hands, elbows, legs, etc. is unbroken.Page 15, panel 3: It’s rather a hoot!
“Another part of my job is messing around in dung, under their nests, to see what they’ve been eating! What a life, eh! Sometimes it suddenly comes over me how strange it all is, really. Here I am, an ordinary person, with my staff of 3, a camp, unlimited funds, and doing what I have always wanted to do. Not stuck away in some horrid office, out of the sunlight, but out in the open, sleeping under the stars, climbing the mountains, watching the animals. Is it possible? Can it really be me? Or is it some strange hallucination? The only sad part is that it’s so far away from all of you.”
Page 15, panel 5: Not stuck in some horrid office, but out in the open.Page 15, panel 6: Climbing mountains…Page 16: Watching animals.Page 22, panel 3: Is it possible? Can it really be me, here, now?Page 22, panel 4: Or is it some strange hallucination? …No. It’s me.
Primates: The Fearless Science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Biruté Galdikas is out, and Maris and I would like to know what you think. So…please add your comments below. We look forward to hearing from you!
Jim Ottaviani at Heroes Convention, June 7-9 in Charlotte, NC
Weekend article reading
Here’s a list of magazines and journals I read articles from recently, in rough chronological order. The first one to guess what the current project is from this list gets a free copy of Feynman…recently seen back on the NYT bestseller list. (!)
Am. J. Sci., Ann. Phys., Am. Sci, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A. (x2), Phys. Rev. Lett. (x2), New Sci., Commun. math. Phys., NYT Mag., Playboy, Nature (x3), Phys. Rev. D. (x7)
Send me a private tweet, Facebook message, or email if you think you’ve figured it out. I’d love to send someone a book, but I made this cryptic* on purpose. We’re not quite ready to announce, but I hope to be able to reveal all — or at least more — soon.
* Turing pun intended…I’m not talking about “The Imitation Game”, which is so close to complete I can taste it. Leland Purvis is doing terrific work!
Feynman, now in paperback
Question: What has the same great cover and interior art, but lots more blurbs and doesn’t cost as much as its first incarnation and has five fewer typos and weighs 1.2 ounces less and now has no run-on sentences?
Answer: Feynman, in paperback. It’s out tomorrow, April 30, and it’s also more bendy than the hardcover, which makes it perfect for those times when…heck, I don’t know, when you need a shin pad. You know, in an emergency?
Nobody said this was a good riddle, but all those blurbs on the back and “The #1 NYT Bestseller” bit that’s now on the front indicate it’s not just Leland and me who are happy with how the book turned out.
(p.s. I didn’t really weigh it, and I don’t think the hardcover had any run-on sentences.)