Spotted by our pal Carolyn G. at the Renton Historical Museum. Thanks King County Library System!
Spotted by our pal Carolyn G. at the Renton Historical Museum. Thanks King County Library System!
Or… Is this the scientific impulse in action?
I think it’s both, and I’m not embarrassed to say that I’ve watched this over and over. [via Ed Wong’s terrific “Not Exactly Rocket Science.”]
It really did happen, thanks to Compass at SFO! And, of course, Hark! A Vagrant. Thanks for the tip, Wow Cool!
Two videos, one related to last year’s book (Feynman, with Leland Myrick) and one related to the upcoming Imitation Game (with Leland Purvis).
Stephen King calls that The Formula in his excellent book titled On Writing. The first draft of my first attempt at long form writing is 43,838 words, so if I do what Mr. King says, I’ll have a novella (prose! fiction!) starring the character I get asked about the most often at comics conventions.
Whether it will remain at 39,454.2 words after additional and inevitable rewrites is a mystery to me. But for now, I’m happy that I got this far, and wonder what it will look like to me after it stews in its own juices for six weeks or so…
What is a book tour like? It’s like this.
…and mundane…