Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of two of the greatest speeches of the 20th century. You can find out what Michael Collins and Neil Armstrong said to Congress over at…
Found: Kepler-16b, a planet orbiting two stars
Informally known as Tatooine. Formally known as Very Cool. Thanks NASA, thanks Kepler Mission!
EarthSky 22: “Richard Feynman is still awesome” aired a podcast interview with me a few days ago, and somehow I missed it. Maybe you did too.
Even if that doesn’t fill you with regret, there’s a lot more than just me on the show (good news!), but they still titled the episode as a whole “Richard Feynman is still awesome”. If you listen in, you’ll find out that I agree.
New “Symphony of Science”: The Quantum World
A treat for today!
Math in Service of Remembrance
This is a good thing to read today: All The Names: Algorithmic Design and the 9/11 Memorial.
The New York Times didn’t review Feynman, but…
Well, our book still made it into this part of the paper. It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I… well, you know the rest!
Thank you to everyone who’s bought the book. I’m stunned, as are Superman, Captain America, Sookie Stackhouse, Wolverine, Ook and Gluk, and a bunch of zombies and sparkly vampires. But you know, up against Richard Feynman I think they’re all fighting out of their weight class.