In honor of the upcoming release of T-Minus, I’ll post a few cool links to space-y stuff. First up is a nifty article by Thomas Mallon from The Atlantic titled “Across the Universe”. The Planetary Society, of which I am a member, figures prominently. Visit their site to learn more — I recommend subscribing to their Planetary Radio podcast.
T-Minus Zero…at least for me
I have now seen copies of the books, both hardcover and softcover, and I’m delighted with how they turned out. T-Minus 12 days until everyone else can see it too! (Unless you visit me at TCAF this weekend.)
T-Minus 99 days…
…and counting.
The new book static-tested and fully fueled/rolling onto the launchpad/insert-your-own-metaphor-here, with a planned release date of May 19, 2009. Previews and more at the site, so stand by for engineers, astronauts, wolves, space ships, and other worlds.
Yes, no pictures on the blog. I want you to click the link, see?
2009 Inauguration
There were a lot of cool things about Barack Obama’s inauguration this week, but this picture by David Bergman rates right up there with the best of the best. Wow. This is what technology is for.
New site design
If you head over to our parent site , you’ll see an entirely new look. The old design had all the dubious charms of something entirely hand-coded by me. The new is still hand-crafted, but not all by me, meaning it’s no longer built on a foundation of tar-swabbed timber and insulated with sod — think titanium beams and aerogels. (It does have a sod roof, though, since we’re all about being green.)
Thanks to Suzanne Chapman for her design skills, to Paul Sizer and Jane Irwin for moving me in the right direction and suggesting that I meld a blog into it so many moons ago, and to Kat for her troubleshooting and proofreading!
Niels loves Tor
On my last birthday I used the ill-gotten gains from my first published science fiction to purchase a robot.
That sounds like the start of an SF story itself, but it’s true. And it’s also true that as a result my cat Niels has joined me as a fan of Tor.
Finally, a terror-free vacuum cleaner!
(Which sounds like the end of an SF short story, so I’ll leave everything in between as an exercise for the reader.)