So yeah, that bit I posted on Halloween contained more than idle hope about working with To the grindstone!
(But, Dickens? Thanks for setting the bar in the ionosphere, Bob…)
So yeah, that bit I posted on Halloween contained more than idle hope about working with To the grindstone!
(But, Dickens? Thanks for setting the bar in the ionosphere, Bob…)
Please come see Friendship 7, Gemini IV, Apollo 11, and me on Saturday the 26th at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. I’ll be signing T-Minus there from 2-4pm. I suppose I could be more excited and honored by this but I’m not sure how.
The National Book Festival is also happening that day, outside on the National Mall itself, so if you’re heading over plan to leave yourself some extra time to get around and look around.
This will be my 12th time exhibiting at the Small Press Expo, and I’m as excited about it as ever. With a guest list that includes Gahan Wilson, Carol Tyler, Joshua Cotter, Paul Karasik, and Josh Neufeld, you won’t want to miss it.
I’ll have the last few hardcovers of T-Minus, a few of the limited edition Charles R. Knight hardcovers as well, the new editions of Two-Fisted Science and Dignifying Science, and more science graphic novels than I can now comfortably fit on a table.
What I won’t have is all the time in the world on Saturday — I’m likely only available at the show for the first and last hour that day. This is not bad news. More when the details are pinned down, but for now I’ll leave it at this. As much as I’m always in the shadow of greatness at SPX, this raises that metaphor to new heights.
See you there.
The Vault of Midnight (219 S. Main St. in Ann Arbor, MI) is hosting a book release and signing party on July 20, 2009 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing and the arrival of my new book T-Minus: The Race to the Moon.
I’ll be there, the books — with gorgeous art by Zander Cannon and Kevin Cannon — will be there, and we’ll have refreshments. I’m thinking Tang…
Is it worth a trip to southeast Michigan if you don’t already live here? I can’t answer that for you, but consider this: The crew of Apollo 11 traveled 240,000 miles and all they came back with was some rocks. Well, that and some pretty cool vacation photos.
But the Vault? To paraphrase Buzz Aldrin, magnificent desolation it is not! They have comics and toys and games and a breathable atmosphere.
And me, on Monday the 20th, starting at 6pm.
I had a great time at Heroes last year, so I look forward to attending again this time! At the show I’ll have T-Minus and limited edition books and a smile on my face and a song in my heart. See you there.
(I may be a little late to arrive on Friday the 19th, though, so if you were thinking of getting up early just to see me, well, don’t. But with a guest list that includes Liz Baillie, Brian Michael Bendis, June Brigman, Ed Brubaker, Fred Chao, Danielle Corsetto, Guy Davis, Matt Fraction, Dick Giordano, Stephanie Gladden, Tony Harris, Adam Hughes, Chris Kemple, Matt Kindt, Roger Langridge, Alec Longstreth, Jason Lutes, David Mack, Laura Martin, Bob Mcleod, Carla Speed McNeil, Phil Noto, David Petersen, Eric Powell, MK Reed, Don Rosa, Craig Rousseau, Chris Schweizer, Thomas Scioli, Bill Sienkiewicz, Jeff Smith, Richard Thompson, Mark Waid, and Drew Weing, well, get there early and get in line anyway!)
Updated: I’ll be at table 423, right next to Carla Speed McNeil!
This Friday and Saturday I’ll be in beautiful Chelsea, MI for the first Kids Read Comics event ever, held at the Chelsea District Library…which is within shouting distance of a few of my favorite places in southeast Michigan: The Purple Rose Theatre, The Common Grill, and Jiffy Mix World Headquarters.
On Friday I’ll be joining the fabulous Tara Tallan of Galaxion fame for a discussion of non-fiction comics — she just did a book on astronauts too! And on Saturday afternoon (I may get there a little before noon, but it won’t be by much!) I’ll join a whole bunch of other great folks set up to show their books and talk comics with whoever stops by.
I hope that includes you!