- Publisher: G.T. Labs
- Edition: Second Edition
- Available in: Paperback
- ISBN: 978-0-9788037-2-8
- Published: April 10, 2009
“Not often in life has a human being caused me such joy by his mere presence as you did.”
– Albert Einstein, in a 1920 letter to Bohr
When you think about atoms, chances are you think of Niels Bohr’s model. But beyond that model (which he soon left behind…since it’s wrong!) his life and discoveries blazed the trail from a world without cars or radio, much less airplanes and television, to one of space travel and the World Wide Web.
Einstein looked up to him, the Nazis wanted to kidnap him, his institute in Copenhagen hosted just about every Nobel prize winner in physics you can name (and then some), and Winston Churchill considered him by far the most dangerous man on the Manhattan Project. His friends and enemies agreed: Niels Bohr was much more than the father of quantum mechanics — he was one of the most important figures of the twentieth century. Suspended in Language tells his story.
About the storytellers: Suspended in Language features art by award-winning artist Leland Purvis, a member of the ACT-I-VATE group and Deep Six. He’s the author of the acclaimed series Vox and Pubo. It also features footnotes illustrated by Jay Hosler (Clan Apis, The Sandwalk Adventures), Roger Langridge (Fred the Clown), Steve Leialoha (Fables), Linda Medley (Castle Waiting), and Jeff Parker (The Interman, Agents of Atlas, and many others).
In addition to being the author of the New York Times #1 Bestseller Feynman, all of Jim Ottaviani‘s books have been nominated for multiple awards, including Eisners & ALA Popular Paperback of the Year. They also receive critical praise in publications ranging (widely!) from The New York Review of Books to The Comics Journal to Physics World to Entertainment Weekly to Discover Magazine.
“Writer Jim Ottaviani and illustrator Leland Purvis relate [Bohr’s] adventures with rich visual flair, taking the reader alongside Bohr into outer space, inside the atom, or to a raucous Belgian physics conference. More surprising is the abundant wit and warmth of the book” – Discover
…and elsewhere:
Katie’s Korner (for schools and libraries) | Newsarama: It Came From the NYPL | Book Loons | Comics Worth Reading | First Monday | NPR’s Morning Edition | TIME.comix | RadioCitta’Fujiko, on the Italian edition of Suspended (may require additional plug-ins, including your Italian-to-English brain insert if you don’t speak the mother tongue) | Howling Curmudgeons | Milkbreath and Me | Comic World News
Extra! Web Exclusives
On page 163 of the book we promise you the chance to read Quantum Entanglement, Spooky Action at a Distance, Teleportation, and You, so here (or rather, there, a few words back and at the link) it is!
Download the complete bibliography!
For teachers: We’ve prepared a study guide to assist you in using the book in your classroom. If you have suggestions for improvements or would like to share your ideas, please let us know.