My pal Rob Hess and I are going to do some bad spelling to benefit 826michigan, and in a clear metaphor for…well, lots of things, the more money we raise the more we can cheat.
But in this case, it’s for a good cause: Reading, writing, and tutoring programs for kids.
So yeah, I’m hitting you up for money, and I’m not ashamed of it. You can
by clicking on the “Sponsor Me” button. (Sorry I can’t provide a more direct link…) Please do!
What’s in it for you, besides knowing you’ve done the right thing? Leave a comment or a note if you donated more than $24.99 — I trust you! — and I’ll draw a name from the list of those who did and send ’em one of my books, for free.
edited to add: Oh, hey, look…I ended up with an extra copy of Evolution by my fabulous pals Jay Hosler, Kevin Cannon, and Zander Cannon. So, it looks like two of you will make out like a bandit, as will literacy and tutoring programs in Michigan!
edited again, to add: I found another neat book to give away: The Secret Miracle, which not coincidentally is an 826 benefit book itself, and features many great writers talking about how and why they work. So now I’ll draw three names.